Book Published
Our book “Secrets of a Successful Relationship Revealed” is now in print and Kindle at Amazon. We have a website as well, where you can get mobi, epub and pdf versions. Feedback and reviews welcome!
Our book “Secrets of a Successful Relationship Revealed” is now in print and Kindle at Amazon. We have a website as well, where you can get mobi, epub and pdf versions. Feedback and reviews welcome!
An excellent NPR story on patents has been getting attention, and Forbes uses it to argue in favor of invalidating software patents.
Slate reports on the Senate Finance Committee’s vote against a public health option. “Even among Republicans, opposition to the public option (42 percent) is outweighed by support (47 percent).” In an Indirect Democracy, “The people elect government officials who then …
I believe that the average person has six original ideas in their lifetime. By “original idea”, I mean a new view of how the world is or could be. “Why don’t we go to Hawaii this summer?” or “”Let’s paint …
Timothy Lee writes eloquently about the stupidity of a company that exists only to think up patents and use them to sue – no actual creation of product required. How is this of the slightest benefit to society?
Firstly consider this quote (color emphasis added): “Clearly, we’ve got to find Mohammed Omar, we’ve got to find Osama bin Laden, and we’ve got to find other key leaders of the al-Qaida network, or we will have failed. We’re not …
There has been much comment that this was a post-racial election. Yes and no. Look at the electoral shifts since 2004. A broad swath across the center of the country voted MORE Republican than in 2004, and I can see …
It’s looking more and more as if McCain’s V.P. pick had almost zero research behind it: “According to this Republican, who would discuss internal campaign strategizing only on condition of anonymity, the McCain team used little more than a Google …
The average Christian in the US believes that society’s social problems are due to poor application of Christian morals. A paper published by the Journal of Religion and Society finds just the opposite; it measures homicide, youth suicide, STDs, teen …
The latest report on global warming says that “[w]e were stunned by the similarities between the observations that have been recorded at sea worldwide and the models that climatologists made,” said Tim Barnett of the University of California’s Scripps Institution …